Welcome to May where quite strong influences are ready to take place.
To begin this month, we have to indicate that the planets’ changing signs and the Retro movements (going backwards) seem to be the most significant incidents of May. In addition to these, the most crucial happening of this month is, Uranus leaving Aries after 7 years and moving into Taurus! During this transition, we will be in new moon phase. So now let’s see what all these will be bringing to the 12 zodiac signs..
Aries and/or rising Aries :
There seem to be changes to happen in terms of your earnings and financial situations. Also your valıues and undertsanding of trust are altering. Possessing movable properties will be in your plans this month. Regarding your love life, you will be needing to review your trust and valuıes. And in your career life, delays, preclusions and limitations will likely be bothering you. You’ve to be aware that you’re in a state of patience.
Taurus and/or rising Taurus:
Hello to all Taurus from May which will be the starting poiint of big changes in your life plans and priorities. May will be the beginning period of changes which will last for 7 years and so be ready fors o many changes from your life styles to personal Outlook. Uranüswill be entering your sign through the midst of May and neither your business nor love life will be like before. You’ve to be ready for all kinds of surprises.
Gemini and/or rising Gemini:
This month, you will be facing with your fears and subconscious topics. Gemini people who’re known to be highly social and sophisticated will somehow become introverted. You’re entering a period where you’ll both be facing your weaknesses and also discovering your hidden powers. The ruling planet of your love sector, Venus will be moving into Cancer during this month and so this will lead you to search for more maternal, protective and emotional satisfaction in your relations. In addition, getting more on the safe side in terms of your financial situation will also help you feel the tranquility in your relation as well
Cancer and/or rising Cancer:
There seem to be quite radical changes in your social environment and friends. The way you approach relationships and all your plans about your relation will also be affected by this changing period. Alterations might be starting to take place in your hopes and wishes in your life and you may feel dissatisfaction in your relation and/or connections may be formed with someone left behind in the past. As for the ones married, they may experience new incidents in their marriages. During the month, since Venus will be in your sign; there will be renewals in your outfit, sports, diet, in short in your physical appearance.
Leo and/or rising Leo:
Radical changes in your career and social status will be boosted starting with this month. You shall be ready to make important alterations in your business life and take risks in this area. However it may be inevitable frrom time to time for you to face delays and postpones. You may feel the need to stay free in your realtions. As for your home life; moving or reconstructive acivities will be taking place this month.
Virgo and/or rising Virgo:
You’re in a month in which you will be experiencing big changes in your beliefs in all aspects (Money, marriage, relations etc.) and in which you will be socializing with your friends. Also you are testing your relationship during this month. You may be on long trips, face renewals in your education life or face unexpected opportunities. Your business life will also be speeding up.
Libra and/or rising Libra:
You may have been facing some delays and problems in your financial life. Unexpected people or incidents may take place in your love life. Ypu may both need to feel free in your relation as well as lose your control. It doesn’t seem easy for you to shape your emotional life this month. You will probably wsh to spend some time in your home. On the other hand, it will be a joyous month for you in terms of your business life.
Scorpio and/or rising Scorpio:
Changes and transitions in your partnered and bilateral relations! You are also through some majör changes just like Taurus people. And many aspects of your life will be affected by this. Especially marriage, long pace relations, partnered issues.. Conflicts in your plans and programmes and delays will again be with you this month. On the other hand; long distances or nice happenings in your educational sector will likely be keeping you balanced.
Sagittarius and/or rising Sagittarius:
Delays or limitations in your finance sector will again be with you this month. And do not ignore the test on values and trust. The problem you may have with sleep might be tiring you quite much in May. However, be ready fpr unexpected crushes in love. As for the married Sagittarius; they may add happiness to their marriages with a new baby. You may be planning important changes in your business and/or daily life this month.
Capricorn and/or rising Capricorn:
This month it seems like your responsibilities are increasing whereas issues like partnership/marriage will be in your agenda and a sudden change in your income may occur. Some unwanted topics may arise in your social environment. The way you approach relationships are changing and transforming in this month. Unexpected realtions and news about babies are coming ahead..
Aquarius and/or rising Aquarius:
It’s about to happen a radical change in home or place.. A very unexpected person knock on your door in your love life. On the contrary, it will be the time to face with fears and karma. You might feel yourself limited. There might be dissatisfactions in your career life. However, you may find nice opportunities through the end of month. Only thing you shall do this month is, trying to approach positively even what seems like dilemmas.
Pisces and/or rising Pisces: The way you approach communications, tolerance and comprehension are in a changing phase. Especially it is an important month for you to take decisions. You might be making decisions about your relationship through the end of the month whereas you will be making decisions on your social environment and friend groups around the middle of the month. You may make limittations in this aspect. Things or people may confuse your mind quite much so please stick tightly to your own ideas. Unnecessary expenses may tire you this month.