Robot Pinocchio Is In Business Art

İş Sanat’s new children’s game, Robot Pinocchio, is preparing to meet the audience on Sunday, January 12th. Pinocchio, the world-renowned hero of Italian writer Carlo Collodi, moves to the theater stage this time as a robot child.
The dramaturgy of the play directed by Lerzan Pamir written by Yekta Kopan, Mehmet Ergen, narrated by Aslı Tandoğan, Pinocchio character Anıl Altınöz gives life. The music of the game belongs to Tolga Çebi. In today’s world, until a child learns goodness, friendship, sharing, and love, what obstacles does a child have to overcome, what kind of puzzles to solve, and what to face? Together we will witness the adventures of the robot boy Pinocchio.