Defne Kayacık – I Wanted to Adapt Authentic Figures to Modern Life

Defne Kayacık, who conducts the communication of many famous names and projects, while looking for a different window between intense work tempo and intense human relations, the jewelry design that came into her life by chance, took herself on a journey beyond distracting herself … Thus, “by DEKA” brand emerged. . To protect you from the evil eye, look at Defne Kayacık’s designs. You ask why? The reason is in our interview…

Who is Defne Kayacık?

As a communicator, I think it is the most difficult but one sentence: I would say that someone who has been working in the communication sector for the last 10 years, including the entertainment industry, has always been in the passion of discovering new places, cultures and tastes for 17 years.

Can you tell us about the story of jewelry design in your life and sharing with people at the end of the day and starting production?

Apart from the intensity and stress of the communication and entertainment sector for a very long time, I had another excitement and a passion that I wanted to bring to my life. I was always in love with my profession and I always did it very much. But communication has a relative, more subjective evaluation system. And I was looking for a hand-held, one-to-one effort. I wondered how I would like it, and on the occasion of a friend, I found myself at a silver counter in Sultanahmet. The invention, that invention … The doors of a whole new world opened to me

Where did the idea of reinterpreting Anatolian motifs in your designs come from, and is there any specific reason why by DEKA created its catalog?

Yabancı Nazar ur is a very difficult subject to tell to a foreigner. However, it is in the middle of life in Anatolian culture. Evil eye bead is a figure that is known all over the world and is seen even in the most remote corners of the shops. However, there are many other figures used in the Anatolian culture for the evil eye. We have embroidered many motifs on walls, rugs, yemeniiden, bowls to protect them from evil eye. I wanted to adapt both our well-known motifs and the powerful motifs that unintentionally worked into our lives by removing them from their authentic forms. Istanbul is home to many civilizations.

Have you ever commented on Istanbul in your designs? Or does this city inspire you?

Istanbul is a city that has been home to many cultures. Every corner is full of inspiration. It is a great chance for us all to follow the traces of Byzantine, Roman and Ottoman with its different colors and multi-layered cultural structure.

Jewelry design has become a very popular area today. What makes you different from other designers? How do you want people to feel when you carry your designs in their bodies?

I always wear a jewelry to protect me from evil eye. When I started this collection, my intention was to attract positive energies to the person when he wore them through the figures. I also want them to feel the importance of slowing down in this period, when we consume everything very quickly. Every figure they wear is produced by hand. I wanted to create a tool that would make them feel more special in a period of uniformity and consumption. My goal; to bring together the value of the silver to be stored for a lifetime, the material and the tailor-made design.

What materials do you use in your designs?

I’m a silver lover. I mean, I always play this process with silver. Silver is both a very soft and harmonious material and durable. One of my favorite points in my designs is to play with the texture of silver. So every time I go out to new surprises and discoveries.

Is your design product equal to expensive product? How can people access your products on a price scale and where can they buy your designs?

I attach great importance to two things in my designs. The first is useful and the second is accessibility. Therefore, I pay attention to the fact that silver, hand-made, are the products that everyone can reach and use easily to the extent permitted by me. For now you can find some design shops in Istanbul. In addition, our sales over the internet continues.