Ozan Güzelce – The Desire Of Photography To Be In...

In order to develop his interest in photography and improve himself, he decides to study on this subject at the university. In 1996, he...

Ali Şenel – Photos Of Birds Was The Only Goal

We talked about the systematic which is boring for some of business life and comfortable for some, and the story of Ali Şenel, who...

A Young Man Who Loves Adventure; Adam Axoı

Could you tell us a little bit about yourself in order to get to know you better? Born and raised in the Netherlands grew by...

Kemal Kaya – I Listened To The Voice Of My Heart...

Schools, career-dedicated lives and dreams. Many white-collar dreams of giving an airy farewell to hourly shifts and the courage to go to where his...

Underwater Is Not The Natural Envıronment For Humans – Ateş Evirgen

“The preparations before a dive starts with choosing the area to dive. This can either be a place withinthe country or abroad. Getting to...

Art, Is A Matter Of Philosophy and Dedication. – Gültekin Çizgen

Photography Artist, Writer on Arts, Photography Collector, attempt on Mimar Sinan University Institute of Photography, European Capitals of Culture activities in 2010, curator of...

Prohıbıtıons And Mystery Have Always Attracted My Attentıon “Cem Turgay”

“Nude photographs are the most effective shots which reflect the mystery of the reality in human beings. Human body can Express itself much more...

Masters of Photography Interview “Mehmet Kırali”

For our readers to get to know you more, could you please tell us who you are, what you’ve been doing etc? After working...

A Name To Keep Track On For Nature And Landscape Photography...

Instagram is indeed a vast ocean, thanks to the color palette I've created, many people know my photographs even when my name isn't under...

If Illiteracy And Ignorance Combine, The Problem Becomes Insolvable “Murat Pulat”

First of all, can you mention about yourselves? I was born in Ankara in 1969, I graduated from Cizmecioglu Primary School, TED Ankara College, ITU...

My Archives, There Are More Portrait Photos With High Emotions “Hasan...

Would you please begin by introducing yourself for us to get to know you a little? I was born in 1987 in Zonguldak-Ereğli. I...

Interview With Nature Photographer ; Olay Seven

Who is Olay Seven? Can you tell us about yourself? I was born in 1977, I have 23 years of advertising life. During these 23...

Ömer Salkın “Everywhere That Is Untouched, Undisturbed Inspires Me”

Everywhere That Is Untouched, Undisturbed Inspires Me Can you introduce yourselves in order to know you more closely? My name is Omer Salkin, I was born...

‘It Is The City Life Which Is Difficult And Against Our...

'It Is The City Life Which Is Difficult And Against Our Nature' Süha Derbent How old were you when your road first coincided with photography?...

“Photography Is Freedom; As Free As It Can Never Be Fit...

Weare in theera of digital photography. And the camera sare giving us the opportunity of interpreting the shoteven when capturing, including what the eyes...

You Feel The Weight Of The Moment When You Press The...

“I like to use stains that define the elements they belong to in a powerfuly way. A photograph can suddenly be in your zoom,...

Had You Ever Known That Seahorses Have Been Living With Us...

Your safety under the water is the most important detail. And finally; you’ve to be able to use your light as efficiently as possible...

Hüseyin Taşkın “It’s Our Pasts Which Shape The Photograph”

Photography was rather my elder brother's history, not mine. I only included myself in. As my brother began photography in the town, I happened...

Erol Doganer “I Take A Picture Of Everything I Value To...

"The photograph is to fit the immortal frames to hand precious moments down from generation to generation. It is not possible to stop the...

Ömer Yeşilırmak “A Good Photograph Shall Be Sincere And Unique”

"The most precious inspiration for me is Istanbul, way too much more than anyone else. Istanbul is such a beautiful city that since I'm...
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